Source code for poezio.decorators

Module containing various decorators

from __future__ import annotations
from asyncio import iscoroutinefunction

from typing import (

from poezio import common
    from poezio.core.core import Core

T = TypeVar('T', bound=Callable[..., Any])

BeforeFunc = Optional[Callable[[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]], Any]]
AfterFunc = Optional[Callable[[Any, List[Any], Dict[str, Any]], Any]]

def wrap_generic(func: Callable, before: BeforeFunc = None, after: AfterFunc = None):
    Generic wrapper which can both wrap coroutines and normal functions.
    def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
        args = list(args)
        if before is not None:
            result = before(args, kwargs)
            if result is not None:
                return result
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if after is not None:
            result = after(result, args, kwargs)
        return result

    async def awrap(*args, **kwargs):
        args = list(args)
        if before is not None:
            result = before(args, kwargs)
            if result is not None:
                return result
        result = await func(*args, **kwargs)
        if after is not None:
            result = after(result, args, kwargs)
        return result
    if iscoroutinefunction(func):
        return awrap
    return wrap

class RefreshWrapper:
    core: Optional[Core]

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.core = None

    def conditional(self, func: T) -> T:
        Decorator to refresh the UI if the wrapped function
        returns True
        def after(result: Any, args, kwargs) -> Any:
            if self.core is not None and result:
                self.core.refresh_window()  # pylint: disable=no-member
            return result

        wrap = wrap_generic(func, after=after)

        return cast(T, wrap)

    def always(self, func: T) -> T:
        Decorator that refreshs the UI no matter what after the function
        def after(result: Any, args, kwargs) -> Any:
            if self.core is not None:
                self.core.refresh_window()  # pylint: disable=no-member
            return result

        wrap = wrap_generic(func, after=after)
        return cast(T, wrap)

    def update(self, func: T) -> T:
        Decorator that only updates the screen

        def after(result: Any, args, kwargs) -> Any:
            if self.core is not None:
                self.core.doupdate()  # pylint: disable=no-member
            return result
        wrap = wrap_generic(func, after=after)
        return cast(T, wrap)

refresh_wrapper = RefreshWrapper()

[docs]class CommandArgParser: """Modify the string argument of the function into a list of strings containing the right number of extracted arguments, or None if we don’t have enough. """ @staticmethod def raw(func: T) -> T: """Just call the function with a single string, which is the original string untouched """ return func @staticmethod def ignored(func: T) -> T: """ Call the function without textual arguments """ def before(args: List[Any], kwargs: Dict[Any, Any]) -> None: if len(args) >= 2: del args[1] wrap = wrap_generic(func, before=before) return cast(T, wrap) @staticmethod def quoted(mandatory: int, optional: int = 0, defaults: Optional[List[Any]] = None, ignore_trailing_arguments: bool = False) -> Callable[[T], T]: """The function receives a list with a number of arguments that is between the numbers `mandatory` and `optional`. If the string doesn’t contain at least `mandatory` arguments, we return None because the given arguments are invalid. If there are any remaining arguments after `mandatory` and `optional` arguments have been found (and “ignore_trailing_arguments" is not True), we append them to the last argument of the list. An argument is a string (with or without whitespaces) between two quotes ("), or a whitespace separated word (if not inside quotes). The argument `defaults` is a list of strings that are used when an optional argument is missing. For example if we accept one optional argument and none is provided, but we have one value in the `defaults` list, we use that string inplace. The `defaults` list can only replace missing optional arguments, not mandatory ones. And it should not contain more than `mandatory` values. Also you cannot Example: This method needs at least one argument, and accepts up to 3 arguments >> @command_args_parser.quoted(1, 2, ['default for first arg'], False) >> def f(args): >> print(args) >> f('coucou les amis') # We have one mandatory and two optional ['coucou', 'les', 'amis'] >> f('"coucou les amis" "PROUT PROUT"') # One mandator and only one optional, # no default for the second ['coucou les amis', 'PROUT PROUT'] >> f('') # Not enough args for mandatory number None >> f('"coucou les potes"') # One mandatory, and use the default value # for the first optional ['coucou les potes, 'default for first arg'] >> f('"un et demi" deux trois quatre cinq six') # We have three trailing arguments ['un et demi', 'deux', 'trois quatre cinq six'] """ default_args_outer = defaults or [] def first(func: T) -> T: def before(args: List, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: default_args = default_args_outer cmdargs = args[1] if cmdargs and cmdargs.strip(): split_args = common.shell_split(cmdargs) else: split_args = [] if len(split_args) < mandatory: args[1] = None return res, split_args = split_args[:mandatory], split_args[ mandatory:] if optional == -1: opt_args = split_args[:] else: opt_args = split_args[:optional] if opt_args: res += opt_args split_args = split_args[len(opt_args):] default_args = default_args[len(opt_args):] res += default_args if split_args and res and not ignore_trailing_arguments: res[-1] += " " + " ".join(split_args) args[1] = res return wrap = wrap_generic(func, before=before) return cast(T, wrap) return first
command_args_parser = CommandArgParser() def deny_anonymous(func: T) -> T: """Decorator to disable commands when using an anonymous account.""" def before(args: Any, kwargs: Any) -> Any: core = args[0].core if core.xmpp.anon: core.information( 'This command is not available for anonymous accounts.', 'Info' ) return False wrap = wrap_generic(func, before=before) return cast(T, wrap)