Installing poezio


Python 3.4 or above is required. To install it on a distribution that doesn't provide it, see pyenv.

poezio in the GNU/Linux distributions

As far as I know, Poezio is available in the following distributions, you just have to install it by using the package manager of the distribution, if you're using one of these.

  • Archlinux: A poezio and poezio-git packages are in AUR (use your favourite AUR wrapper to install them)

  • Gentoo: Sekh’s overlay contains everything required to build stable versions of poezio (sleekxmpp, dnspython, and poezio)

  • Fedora: The stable poezio package was out of date for a long time in Fedora, but now thanks to Casper, there is an up-to-date package in the repos since F19.

  • Debian: A set of development builds are available for poezio and its dependencies; those are automatically generated (and most likely untested) packages. We welcome anyone willing to make proper ones.

(If another distribution provides a poezio package, please tell us and we will add it to the list)

Install from source

Stable version

Stable version packages are available in standalone (dependencies provided) and poezio-only packages (both with prebuilt html doc for convenience).

Those versions are also available on pypi (using pip3, for example), and it is recommended to install them this way if you absolutely want to install poezio and your distribution provides no package.

Development version

The stable versions of poezio are more like snapshots of states of development we deem acceptable. There is always an incentive to use the development version, like new features, bug fixes, and more support. Therefore, you might want to use the git version.

git clone git://
cd poezio


Poezio is a python3.4 (and above)-only application, so you will first need that.

You will also need the python3-devel package or equivalent, and make, in order to compile the poezio C module. Then you can run make to build it. If you downloaded the standalone stable package, you are finished here and can skip to running poezio.

Poezio depends on two libraries:

Changed in version 0.9.

Additionally, it needs python3-setuptools, which is required for proper python packaging management.


We provide an script that creates a virtualenv and downloads all the required and optional dependencies inside it. we recommend using it with the git version of poezio, in order to keep everything up-to-date.

If you don’t want to use the update script for whatever reason, install the following dependencies by hand; otherwise, skip to the installation part.


Poezio depends on slixmpp, a non-thread fork of the SleekXMPP library.

git clone git://
python3 install --user


The aiodns is required in order to properly resolve XMPP domains (with SRV records).

pip install --user aiodns

This will also install pycares, which aiodns uses.


If you don’t run the script, you need to manually build the C module used by poezio:




The + method is the recommended way of using and upgrading the devel version of poezio. Installing should only be done with stable versions. And preferably using your distribution’s package manager.

If you skipped the installation of the dependencies and you only want to run poezio without a system-wide install, do, in the poezio directory:



If you want to use a custom directory for the virtualenv used by poezio, you can use the $POEZIO_VENV environment variable to set use another path (the default is poezio-venv).

If your distribution does not have a pyvenv symlink to the latest pyvenv available, you will need to set $POEZIO_VENV_COMMAND to it. For example, if you have python 3.4, you will need to set it to pyvenv-3.4 instead.

If you really want to install it, run as root (or sudo in ubuntu or whatever):

make install


If you didn’t install poezio, you can run it from the source directory with:


If you did, it should be in the $PATH as poezio, so run:
