Source code for poezio.theming

# Copyright 2010-2011 Florent Le Coz <>
# This file is part of Poezio.
# Poezio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the zlib license. See the COPYING file.

Define the variables (colors and some other stuff) that are
used when drawing the interface.

Colors are numbers from -1 to 7 (if only 8 colors are supported) or -1 to 255
if 256 colors are available.
If only 8 colors are available, all colors > 8 are converted using the
table_256_to_16 dict.

XHTML-IM colors are converted to -1 -> 255 colors if available, or directly to
-1 -> 8 if we are in 8-color-mode.

A pair_color is a background-foreground pair. All possible pairs are not created
at startup, because that would create 256*256 pairs, and almost all of them
would never be used.

A theme should define color tuples, like ``(200, -1)``, and when they are to
be used by poezio's interface, they will be created once, and kept in a list for
later usage.
A color tuple is of the form ``(foreground, background, optional)``
A color of -1 means the default color. So if you do not want to have
a background color, use ``(x, -1)``.
The optional third value of the tuple defines additional information. It
is a string and can contain one or more of these characters:

- ``b``: bold
- ``u``: underlined
- ``x``: blink

For example, ``(200, 208, 'bu')`` is bold, underlined and pink foreground on
orange background.

A theme file is a python file containing one object named 'theme', which is an
instance of a class (derived from the Theme class) defined in that same file.
For example, in

.. code-block:: python

    import theming
    class PinkyTheme(theming.Theme):
        COLOR_NORMAL_TEXT = (200, -1)

    theme = PinkyTheme()

if the command '/theme pinkytheme' is issued, we import the file
and set the global variable 'theme' to pinkytheme.theme.

And in poezio's code we just use ``theme.COLOR_NORMAL_TEXT`` etc

Since a theme inherites from the Theme class (defined here), if a color is not defined in a
theme file, the color is the default one.

Some values in that class are a list of color tuple.
For example ``[(1, -1), (2, -1), (3, -1)]``
Such a list SHOULD contain at least one color tuple.
It is used for example to define color gradient, etc.

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from poezio.config import config
except ImportError:
    if __name__ != "__main__":

import curses
import functools
import os
from os import path

from importlib import machinery
finder = machinery.PathFinder()

[docs]class Theme(object): """ The theme class, from which all themes should inherit. All of the following values can be replaced in subclasses, in order to create a new theme. Do not edit this file if you want to change the theme to suit your needs. Create a new theme and share it if you think it can be useful for others. """ @classmethod def color_role(cls, role): role_mapping = { 'moderator': cls.COLOR_USER_MODERATOR, 'participant': cls.COLOR_USER_PARTICIPANT, 'visitor': cls.COLOR_USER_VISITOR, 'none': cls.COLOR_USER_NONE, '': cls.COLOR_USER_NONE } return role_mapping.get(role, cls.COLOR_USER_NONE) @classmethod def char_affiliation(cls, affiliation): affiliation_mapping = { 'owner': cls.CHAR_AFFILIATION_OWNER, 'admin': cls.CHAR_AFFILIATION_ADMIN, 'member': cls.CHAR_AFFILIATION_MEMBER, 'none': cls.CHAR_AFFILIATION_NONE } return affiliation_mapping.get(affiliation, cls.CHAR_AFFILIATION_NONE) @classmethod def color_show(cls, show): show_mapping = { 'xa': cls.COLOR_STATUS_XA, 'none': cls.COLOR_STATUS_NONE, 'dnd': cls.COLOR_STATUS_DND, 'away': cls.COLOR_STATUS_AWAY, 'chat': cls.COLOR_STATUS_CHAT, '': cls.COLOR_STATUS_ONLINE, 'available': cls.COLOR_STATUS_ONLINE, 'unavailable': cls.COLOR_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, } return show_mapping.get(show, cls.COLOR_STATUS_NONE) @classmethod def char_subscription(cls, sub, keep='incomplete'): sub_mapping = { 'from': cls.CHAR_ROSTER_FROM, 'both': cls.CHAR_ROSTER_BOTH, 'none': cls.CHAR_ROSTER_NONE, 'to': cls.CHAR_ROSTER_TO, } if keep == 'incomplete' and sub == 'both': return '' if keep in ('both', 'none', 'to', 'from'): return sub_mapping[sub] if sub == keep else '' return sub_mapping.get(sub, '') # Message text color COLOR_NORMAL_TEXT = (-1, -1) COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT = (5, -1) # TODO COLOR_WARNING_TEXT = (1, -1) # Color of the commands in the help message COLOR_HELP_COMMANDS = (208, -1) # "reverse" is a special value, available only for this option. It just # takes the nick colors and reverses it. A theme can still specify a # fixed color if need be. COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_NICK = "reverse" # Color of the participant JID in a MUC COLOR_MUC_JID = (4, -1) # User list color COLOR_USER_VISITOR = (239, -1) COLOR_USER_PARTICIPANT = (4, -1) COLOR_USER_NONE = (0, -1) COLOR_USER_MODERATOR = (1, -1) # nickname colors COLOR_REMOTE_USER = (5, -1) # The character printed in color (COLOR_STATUS_*) before the nickname # in the user list CHAR_STATUS = '|' # The characters used for the chatstates in the user list # in a MUC CHAR_CHATSTATE_ACTIVE = 'A' CHAR_CHATSTATE_COMPOSING = 'X' CHAR_CHATSTATE_PAUSED = 'p' # These characters are used for the affiliation in the user list # in a MUC CHAR_AFFILIATION_OWNER = '~' CHAR_AFFILIATION_ADMIN = '&' CHAR_AFFILIATION_MEMBER = '+' CHAR_AFFILIATION_NONE = '-' # XML Tab CHAR_XML_IN = 'IN ' CHAR_XML_OUT = 'OUT' COLOR_XML_IN = (1, -1) COLOR_XML_OUT = (2, -1) # Color for the /me message COLOR_ME_MESSAGE = (6, -1) # Color for the number of revisions of a message COLOR_REVISIONS_MESSAGE = (3, -1, 'b') # Color for various important text. For example the "?" before JIDs in # the roster that require an user action. COLOR_IMPORTANT_TEXT = (3, 5, 'b') # Separators COLOR_VERTICAL_SEPARATOR = (4, -1) COLOR_NEW_TEXT_SEPARATOR = (2, -1) COLOR_MORE_INDICATOR = (6, 4) # Time CHAR_TIME_LEFT = '' CHAR_TIME_RIGHT = '' COLOR_TIME_STRING = (-1, -1) # Tabs COLOR_TAB_NORMAL = (7, 4) COLOR_TAB_NONEMPTY = (7, 4) COLOR_TAB_SCROLLED = (5, 4) COLOR_TAB_JOINED = (82, 4) COLOR_TAB_CURRENT = (7, 6) COLOR_TAB_COMPOSING = (7, 5) COLOR_TAB_NEW_MESSAGE = (7, 5) COLOR_TAB_HIGHLIGHT = (7, 3) COLOR_TAB_PRIVATE = (7, 2) COLOR_TAB_ATTENTION = (7, 1) COLOR_TAB_DISCONNECTED = (7, 8) COLOR_VERTICAL_TAB_NORMAL = (4, -1) COLOR_VERTICAL_TAB_NONEMPTY = (4, -1) COLOR_VERTICAL_TAB_JOINED = (82, -1) COLOR_VERTICAL_TAB_SCROLLED = (66, -1) COLOR_VERTICAL_TAB_CURRENT = (7, 4) COLOR_VERTICAL_TAB_NEW_MESSAGE = (5, -1) COLOR_VERTICAL_TAB_COMPOSING = (5, -1) COLOR_VERTICAL_TAB_HIGHLIGHT = (3, -1) COLOR_VERTICAL_TAB_PRIVATE = (2, -1) COLOR_VERTICAL_TAB_ATTENTION = (1, -1) COLOR_VERTICAL_TAB_DISCONNECTED = (8, -1) # Nickname colors # A list of colors randomly attributed to nicks in MUCs # Setting more colors makes it harder to have two nicks with the same color, # avoiding confusions. LIST_COLOR_NICKNAMES = [ (1, -1), (2, -1), (3, -1), (4, -1), (5, -1), (6, -1), (9, -1), (10, -1), (11, -1), (12, -1), (13, -1), (14, -1), (19, -1), (20, -1), (21, -1), (22, -1), (23, -1), (24, -1), (25, -1), (26, -1), (27, -1), (28, -1), (29, -1), (30, -1), (31, -1), (32, -1), (33, -1), (34, -1), (35, -1), (36, -1), (37, -1), (38, -1), (39, -1), (40, -1), (41, -1), (42, -1), (43, -1), (44, -1), (45, -1), (46, -1), (47, -1), (48, -1), (49, -1), (50, -1), (51, -1), (54, -1), (55, -1), (56, -1), (57, -1), (58, -1), (60, -1), (61, -1), (62, -1), (63, -1), (64, -1), (65, -1), (66, -1), (67, -1), (68, -1), (69, -1), (70, -1), (71, -1), (72, -1), (73, -1), (74, -1), (75, -1), (76, -1), (77, -1), (78, -1), (79, -1), (80, -1), (81, -1), (82, -1), (83, -1), (84, -1), (85, -1), (86, -1), (87, -1), (88, -1), (89, -1), (90, -1), (91, -1), (92, -1), (93, -1), (94, -1), (95, -1), (96, -1), (97, -1), (98, -1), (99, -1), (100, -1), (101, -1), (103, -1), (104, -1), (105, -1), (106, -1), (107, -1), (108, -1), (109, -1), (110, -1), (111, -1), (112, -1), (113, -1), (114, -1), (115, -1), (116, -1), (117, -1), (118, -1), (119, -1), (120, -1), (121, -1), (122, -1), (123, -1), (124, -1), (125, -1), (126, -1), (127, -1), (128, -1), (129, -1), (130, -1), (131, -1), (132, -1), (133, -1), (134, -1), (135, -1), (136, -1), (137, -1), (138, -1), (139, -1), (140, -1), (141, -1), (142, -1), (143, -1), (144, -1), (145, -1), (146, -1), (147, -1), (148, -1), (149, -1), (150, -1), (151, -1), (152, -1), (153, -1), (154, -1), (155, -1), (156, -1), (157, -1), (158, -1), (159, -1), (160, -1), (161, -1), (162, -1), (163, -1), (164, -1), (165, -1), (166, -1), (167, -1), (168, -1), (169, -1), (170, -1), (171, -1), (172, -1), (173, -1), (174, -1), (175, -1), (176, -1), (177, -1), (178, -1), (179, -1), (180, -1), (181, -1), (182, -1), (183, -1), (184, -1), (185, -1), (186, -1), (187, -1), (188, -1), (189, -1), (190, -1), (191, -1), (192, -1), (193, -1), (196, -1), (197, -1), (198, -1), (199, -1), (200, -1), (201, -1), (202, -1), (203, -1), (204, -1), (205, -1), (206, -1), (207, -1), (208, -1), (209, -1), (210, -1), (211, -1), (212, -1), (213, -1), (214, -1), (215, -1), (216, -1), (217, -1), (218, -1), (219, -1), (220, -1), (221, -1), (222, -1), (223, -1), (224, -1), (225, -1), (226, -1), (227, -1)] # This is your own nickname COLOR_OWN_NICK = (254, -1) COLOR_LOG_MSG = (5, -1) # This is for in-tab error messages COLOR_ERROR_MSG = (9, 7, 'b') # Status color COLOR_STATUS_XA = (16, 90) COLOR_STATUS_NONE = (16, 4) COLOR_STATUS_DND = (16, 1) COLOR_STATUS_AWAY = (16, 3) COLOR_STATUS_CHAT = (16, 2) COLOR_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE = (-1, 247) COLOR_STATUS_ONLINE = (16, 4) # Bars COLOR_WARNING_PROMPT = (16, 1, 'b') COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR = (7, 4) COLOR_TOPIC_BAR = (7, 4) COLOR_SCROLLABLE_NUMBER = (220, 4, 'b') COLOR_SELECTED_ROW = (-1, 33) COLOR_PRIVATE_NAME = (-1, 4) COLOR_CONVERSATION_NAME = (2, 4) COLOR_CONVERSATION_RESOURCE = (121, 4) COLOR_GROUPCHAT_NAME = (7, 4) COLOR_COLUMN_HEADER = (36, 4) COLOR_COLUMN_HEADER_SEL = (4, 36) # Strings for special messages (like join, quit, nick change, etc) # Special messages CHAR_JOIN = '--->' CHAR_QUIT = '<---' CHAR_KICK = '-!-' CHAR_NEW_TEXT_SEPARATOR = '- ' CHAR_OK = '✔' CHAR_ERROR = '✖' CHAR_EMPTY = ' ' CHAR_ACK_RECEIVED = CHAR_OK CHAR_NACK = CHAR_ERROR CHAR_COLUMN_ASC = ' ▲' CHAR_COLUMN_DESC = ' ▼' CHAR_ROSTER_ERROR = CHAR_ERROR CHAR_ROSTER_TUNE = '♪' CHAR_ROSTER_ASKED = '?' CHAR_ROSTER_ACTIVITY = 'A' CHAR_ROSTER_MOOD = 'M' CHAR_ROSTER_GAMING = 'G' CHAR_ROSTER_FROM = '←' CHAR_ROSTER_BOTH = '↔' CHAR_ROSTER_TO = '→' CHAR_ROSTER_NONE = '⇹' COLOR_CHAR_ACK = (2, -1) COLOR_CHAR_NACK = (1, -1) COLOR_ROSTER_GAMING = (6, -1) COLOR_ROSTER_MOOD = (2, -1) COLOR_ROSTER_ACTIVITY = (3, -1) COLOR_ROSTER_TUNE = (6, -1) COLOR_ROSTER_ERROR = (1, -1) COLOR_ROSTER_SUBSCRIPTION = (-1, -1) COLOR_JOIN_CHAR = (4, -1) COLOR_QUIT_CHAR = (1, -1) COLOR_KICK_CHAR = (1, -1) # Vertical tab list color COLOR_VERTICAL_TAB_NUMBER = (34, -1) # Info messages color (the part before the ">") INFO_COLORS = { 'info': (5, -1), 'error': (16, 1), 'warning': (1, -1), 'roster': (2, -1), 'help': (10, -1), 'headline': (11, -1, 'b'), 'tune': (6, -1), 'gaming': (6, -1), 'mood': (2, -1), 'activity': (3, -1), 'default': (7, -1), }
# This is the default theme object, used if no theme is defined in the conf theme = Theme() # a dict "color tuple -> color_pair" # Each time we use a color tuple, we check if it has already been used. # If not we create a new color_pair and keep it in that dict, to use it # the next time. curses_colors_dict = {} table_256_to_16 = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0, 4, 4, 4, 12, 12, 2, 6, 4, 4, 12, 12, 2, 2, 6, 4, 12, 12, 2, 2, 2, 6, 12, 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 14, 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 14, 1, 5, 4, 4, 12, 12, 3, 8, 4, 4, 12, 12, 2, 2, 6, 4, 12, 12, 2, 2, 2, 6, 12, 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 14, 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 14, 1, 1, 5, 4, 12, 12, 1, 1, 5, 4, 12, 12, 3, 3, 8, 4, 12, 12, 2, 2, 2, 6, 12, 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 14, 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 14, 1, 1, 1, 5, 12, 12, 1, 1, 1, 5, 12, 12, 1, 1, 1, 5, 12, 12, 3, 3, 3, 7, 12, 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 14, 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 14, 9, 9, 9, 9, 13, 12, 9, 9, 9, 9, 13, 12, 9, 9, 9, 9, 13, 12, 9, 9, 9, 9, 13, 12, 11, 11, 11, 11, 7, 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 14, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 13, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 13, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 13, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 13, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 13, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 ] load_path = [] def color_256_to_16(color): if color == -1: return color return table_256_to_16[color] def dump_tuple(tup): """ Dump a tuple to a string of fg,bg,attr (optional) """ return ','.join(str(i) for i in tup) def read_tuple(_str): """ Read a tuple dumped with dump_tumple """ attrs = _str.split(',') char = attrs[2] if len(attrs) > 2 else '\0' return (int(attrs[0]), int(attrs[1])), char @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=128) def to_curses_attr(color_tuple): """ Takes a color tuple (as defined at the top of this file) and returns a valid curses attr that can be passed directly to attron() or attroff() """ # extract the color from that tuple if len(color_tuple) == 3: colors = (color_tuple[0], color_tuple[1]) else: colors = color_tuple bold = False if curses.COLORS != 256: # We are not in a term supporting 256 colors, so we convert # colors to numbers between -1 and 8 colors = (color_256_to_16(colors[0]), color_256_to_16(colors[1])) if colors[0] >= 8: colors = (colors[0] - 8, colors[1]) bold = True if colors[1] >= 8: colors = (colors[0], colors[1] - 8) # check if we already used these colors try: pair = curses_colors_dict[colors] except KeyError: pair = len(curses_colors_dict) + 1 curses.init_pair(pair, colors[0], colors[1]) curses_colors_dict[colors] = pair curses_pair = curses.color_pair(pair) if len(color_tuple) == 3: additional_val = color_tuple[2] if 'b' in additional_val or bold is True: curses_pair = curses_pair | curses.A_BOLD if 'u' in additional_val: curses_pair = curses_pair | curses.A_UNDERLINE if 'a' in additional_val: curses_pair = curses_pair | curses.A_BLINK return curses_pair def get_theme(): """ Returns the current theme """ return theme def update_themes_dir(option=None, value=None): global load_path load_path = [] # import from the git sources default_dir = path.join( path.dirname(path.dirname(__file__)), 'data/themes') if path.exists(default_dir): load_path.append(default_dir) # import from the user-defined prefs themes_dir = path.expanduser( value or config.get('themes_dir') or path.join(os.environ.get('XDG_DATA_HOME') or path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), '.local', 'share'), 'poezio', 'themes') ) try: os.makedirs(themes_dir) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 17: log.error('Unable to create the themes dir (%s)', themes_dir) else: load_path.append(themes_dir) else: load_path.append(themes_dir) # system-wide import try: import poezio_themes except: pass else: if poezio_themes.__path__: load_path.append(list(poezio_themes.__path__)[0]) log.debug('Theme load path: %s', load_path) def reload_theme(): theme_name = config.get('theme') global theme if theme_name == 'default' or not theme_name.strip(): theme = Theme() return new_theme = None exc = None try: loader = finder.find_module(theme_name, load_path) if not loader: return 'Failed to load the theme %s' % theme_name new_theme = loader.load_module() except Exception as e: log.error('Failed to load the theme %s', theme_name, exc_info=True) exc = e if not new_theme: return 'Failed to load theme: %s' % exc if hasattr(new_theme, 'theme'): theme = new_theme.theme else: return 'No theme present in the theme file' if __name__ == '__main__': # Display some nice text with nice colors s = curses.initscr() curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() s.addstr('%s colors detected\n\n' % curses.COLORS, to_curses_attr((3, -1))) for i in range(curses.COLORS): s.addstr('%s ' % i, to_curses_attr((i, -1))) s.addstr('\n') s.refresh() try: s.getkey() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: curses.endwin() print()